EZ Flutter supports the usage of multiple languages for a app.
Translation is handled by different .json files that contain the translation for each language supported by the app. The translation files are automatically loaded by the EzRunner at startup. Create a .json file with the pattern locale_$loacle.json under the locale folder for each supported language.
Example: locale_en.json && locale_de.json
"SOME_MESSAGE": "This is some message!"
"SOME_MESSAGE": "Dies ist eine Nachricht!"
Add all supported locales to the EzRunner at startup.
EzRunner.run(CustomWidget(), [Locale('en'), Locale('de'), Locale('en')]);
Access the translation within your app via the EzTranslator.
The translation feature offers the possibility to use placeholders inside your translations. Add placeholders to your translation that start with a $ sign.
"WELCOME_MESSAGE": "Hello $fname $lname, how are you?"
"WELCOME_MESSAGE": "Hallo $fname $lname, wie geht es dir?"
Add the optional parameter replace to the text() method.
EzTranslator.of(context).text("WELCOME_MESSAGE", replace: {"fname": "Jon", "lname": "Doe"});
EZ Flutter provides an easy to use package for automatically detecting translations within your code and updating the extisting translation files at /locales with the missing labels.
ez_flutter_translation_generator: ^1.0.1
Run the following command in your command line:
flutter pub run build_runner build